Correction Inverted Nipple

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Correction Inverted Nipple

Nipple Enhancement or Nipple Reduction is a simple procedure usually performed in conjunction with another breast procedure, or may be performed on its own. For various reasons, the nipple may be indrawn from birth, or may become indrawn during adulthood due to excessive scar tissue from previous trauma or surgery, or from cancer.

New onset nipple inversion, as a first priority, will require a full examination and assessment to exclude an underlying breast cancer. Once this is excluded, a simple procedure may be performed to release the inverted nipple to allow it to protrude as normal. This is usually performed after child bearing, as this is likely to interfere with the possibility of breastfeeding from the affected side, although in many cases of inverted nipple, there may be difficulties with breastfeeding even before surgery.

The surgery is usually a day only procedure, with the scar hidden at the base of the nipple. This heals well over about 2 to 4 weeks. Success rates are high, but there is a small recurrence rate with repeat inversion no matter what technique is utilized.